We welcome and are actively seeking new members to the club. Contact us to say hello and we’ll help you get started.

What to expect

On your first visit, someone should be around to welcome you and show you around. In the Berrill Cafe, we have an area for casual chess and another for team and internal competitions. In the casual area, players find games and play each other without any prior arrangement - this is a great place to start!

Becoming a member

There are no special requirements to becoming a member. Annual membership runs from September to the following August. Fees are £15 a year, or £10 for pensioners and to those joining after May.

In addition, those wanting to take part in rated matches such as internal competitions and team matches, will need to register for membership with the English Chess Federation.

Junior chess

Due to circumstances outside our control, the Milton Keynes Chess Club is unable to accept junior players at this time.