Milton Keynes Chess Club Constitution as adopted at the EGM of 7th October 2021:

1. Name

The name of the club shall be Milton Keynes Chess Club.

2. Aims and Objectives

  • To play chess in accordance with the rules of the English Chess Federation.
  • To facilitate the playing of chess through both competitive and non-competitive games among members of the club.
  • To arrange matches between such other clubs as the club shall from time to time decide.
  • To do all other things whatsoever to promote the enjoyment of the game of chess by members of the club.
  • The English Chess Federation has adopted policies on Child Protection, Disabled Players and Bullying. Officers of the club are required to follow these guidelines and their amendments, as and when issued by ECF.

3. Team Selection and Team Captains

  • Teams for the various competitions will be selected by the Team Captains.
  • The Team Captains will be appointed at the club’s AGM.
  • Only club members and members of the ECF are eligible to play for teams sponsored by the club.

4. Membership

  • Membership of the club is open to any person, subject to approval by the committee.
  • Membership is commenced once the appropriate subscription has been received.
  • By becoming a member of the club, a member gives permission for their name and other relevant chess information to be displayed on the club’s authorised website.

5. Subscription

  • There will be annual subscriptions, due immediately after the AGM.
  • The subscription amount, including reductions for any concessionary group, will be determined at the club AGM.
  • Other subscriptions may be introduced as approved at the club AGM.
  • Nothing under this section shall preclude any member from additional levy on those participating in particular activities.

6. Committee

  • The club affairs will be administered by the committee which shall comprise of the following:
    • Chairman
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Tournament Secretary
  • The committee will meet as necessary through the year. A copy of the minutes will be displayed not later than fourteen days after a meeting.
  • The committee members will be elected to serve for a period of one year.
  • Members of the committee will be elected by a show of hands at the club AGM. Nominations should be handed to the secretary on or before the date of the club AGM.
  • It shall be open to the committee to co-opt additional members for any purpose, provided that such a co-opted member, being additional to the statutory committee, will not have the power to vote.
  • The quorum of the committee shall consist of three elected members.

7. Annual General Meeting

  • There will be a club AGM held on a club night in September, following the end of the club financial year – August 31st. Notice of this meeting will be issued not less than two weeks before the date of the meeting.
  • A quorum at a club AGM shall consist of eight members, or one fifth of the membership, whichever is the lower.
  • This meeting shall be empowered to:
    • Receive and discuss the Secretary’s Annual Report.
    • Receive, discuss and adopt the Treasurer’s Annual Report.
    • Make amendments to the constitution, provided that the proposed amendments are received by the secretary, in writing, no less than seven days before the meeting, in order that they can be made known to all club members before the meeting.
  • Voting at a club AGM will be by simple majority vote, with the exception that any alterations to the constitution will require the affirmative vote of two thirds of those present and voting.

8. Extraordinary General Meeting

  • An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called at any time by the committee. At least seven days notice of the date of the meeting must be given.
  • An EGM may be requested in writing by eight, or more, members of the club, or by at least one fifth of the membership, whichever is the lower. The committee will give notice of such a meeting within seven days of the request and will give at least seven days notice of the date of the meeting.
  • Voting at an EGM will be by simple majority vote, with the exception that any alterations to the constitution will require the affirmative vote of two thirds of those present and voting.
  • Any business pertaining to club affairs may be considered.
  • A quorum at an EGM shall consist of eight members, or one fifth of the membership, whichever is the lower.

9. Accounts

  • Books of accounts shall be kept by the club Treasurer, showing the financial affairs of the club.
  • A statement of the financial affairs of the club, as at 31st August, shall be issued and included in the Treasurer’s annual report.
  • Access to club accounts shall be made available to all Committee members on request to the Treasurer.

10. Suspension

  • The committee shall have the power to suspend from the club and participation in club activities any member whose conduct is prejudicial to the character and interests of the club or its members.
  • Any member suspended has the right to appeal to an EGM for reinstatement after a period of not less than one month.
  • An EGM may be called in accordance with section eight above.

11. Interpretation

  • The committee shall have the power to interpret these clauses if there should be any ambiguity or difference of opinion concerning the purport or intention of any clause.
  • The committee shall have the power to deal with any matter not provided for in the constitution.