We have recently reached full capacity for our junior membership and are currently only accepting applications from men and women over the age of eighteen.

Our Chess Club welcomes players of all abilities. Although we do not provide any formal tuition, beginners are welcome to come along and watch games being played under both friendly and strict match conditions.


We meet every Thursday evening in the Berrill Café at the Open University (See Campus Map) between 19:30 and approximately 22:30. All equipment is provided, including boards, sets, digital clocks and score sheets. Every year we enter teams into the Bedfordshire League, as well as other events such as the EACU Club Championship. We also run a number of club competitions, awarding trophies to the winners and runners-up at our popular Christmas social event.

If you are over the age of eighteen and thinking of joining our chess club, why not come along on a Thursday evening and meet us, play a few games and have a chat about what we can offer you.



If you would like to ask some questions or get more details about our club, please go to our Contact page and fill in the message form. We will reply to you via email or telephone, which ever you prefer.

About Us  |  We offer a relaxed and enjoyable environment for casual or competitive over the board play.

Come along and meet us.

Contact us.

Sign up for a wealth of chess.




If you decide you would like to join us, we charge an annual subscription of £15.00 for full membership, or £10.00 for concessions, including over-65s and the un-waged. If you would like to play in rated competitions then membership of the English Chess Federation will be required. Their annual fees start at £18.00.